Pretty Prom Nail Designs – Fit for a Princess

Glamorous Nail Designs For Your BIG NIGHT
Prom Night – I remember the panicky excitement, the fear and the OMG I want to sweep him, and them (we all know who ‘them’ are, don’t we girls) off their feet!
Every detail has to be perfection. I had visions of my dress and how I wanted to look months before the night itself. My hair, piled high, would trickle over my shoulders in glorious rivulets of glossy shine, my skin would be flawless (my dreaded teenage acne didn’t exist in the dreams), my make-up, not a brush stroke out of place, and my nails – my beautiful manicured nails, would wow everyone!
I won’t tell you what happened, suffice to say, it still makes me blush.
The countdown for any prom starts months beforehand:
4 Months – Start exercising and eating nutritionally balanced meals, include hair and nail vitamins and drink plenty of water daily
3 Months – Choose your perfect dress
2 Months – Choose your accessories
2 Months – Plan your transport
1 Month – Organize the photoshoot
1 Month – Experiment with hair, makeup and nail designs
1 Month – Find the best tan for your coloring and trial it
2 Weeks – Teeth Whitening
4 Days – Wax
2 Days – Final spray tan
2 Days – Face and hair mask
1 Day – Manicure and pedicure
1 Day – Plenty of restful beauty sleep – 8-10 hours. Although you’re probably too excited to ever sleep again!
No look is complete without a totally on-point, prom-worthy mani. Channelling your inner celeb, you can totally own the dance floor with an awesome set of nails.
Pretty prom nails have to complement your general outfit. You may choose a design in the same shade as your prom dress or pair them with accessories – hair pieces, shoes, clutch. Nude, classic French manicure, and neutral colors have always been popular, and are easy to pair with any outfit for wearing beyond the prom itself. However, if you are looking for non-traditional, creative ideas – scroll down for some awesome nails.
Ombre Nail Design
These super stylish, graduated, nails are a definite winner. With any color scheme an ombre mani looks amazing and very unique.
Glitter Nail Decorations
Pretty in pink – or gorgeous in any color. This mani looks fantastically professional, but it’s simple to achieve at home (why save it just for your prom?)
Best Nail Stickers
Combine nail stickers with a striking graphic design with softly glamorous 3D art and wow prom night.
Matte Gel Nails
Infinitely chic, matte nails look edgy and uber stylish. Not afraid to be unique, a matte mani will get everyone talking!
Nail Charms
Nail charms are an awesome way to add some eye-catching individuality to any mani, and a prom is the perfect place to show them off.
Diamond Manicure
Whether you splash them all over, or create an accent nail, diamonds add exactly the right amount of glamor for a dazzling prom night.
What else is popular at We Heart Nails this week?